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34th Foray and 19th Colloquium, 2020

Submitted by Bevan Weir on Thu, 05/03/2020 - 10:18pm

34th Foray and 19th Colloquium, 2020

Stewart Island, Southland, Sunday April 26th – Friday May 1st.


Hi FUNNZ members


I am very sorry to say that the FUNNZ Council has decided to cancel the NZ Fungal Foray to Stewart Island this year, and to plan to have the foray there in 2021 instead. This is disappointing but a number of factors have influenced this decision:


1. The increase to 28 cases of covid-19 today (19 March) in NZ and expectation it will get worse before it gets better,

2. the anticipated inability of any overseas people to travel to the foray,

3. the need for all of us to self-isolate if we have symptoms, and the logistical problems that will place on us if someone comes down with a cold at the foray, and

4. despite having the foray collecting permit application since November last year, we were contacted by DoC this morning to say that they are not likely to be able to process it in time for our foray next month.


So, considering all of the above, we really have no choice.  We don’t want to contribute to the spread of coronavirus by encouraging travel at this time and I suspect many of our members will already be apprehensive about this.


So, our plan is:


(i) to hold the foray in Stewart Island in 2021. We will continue with the permit application and ensure it covers a suitable range of dates for next year;

(ii) to hold a “virtual” colloquium using Zoom.  We think there are likely to be quite a few people interested in this, and it could still be a very fruitful and rewarding exercise.  It may well attract many more talks than we would have had in Stewart Island.

(iii) to reschedule the AGM and make it a virtual AGM. Our thought at present is to hold in conjunction with the virtual Colloquium..


We will let you know in due course about plans for the Virtual Colloquium and AGM.


Sorry again for this bad news.


Best wishes,

David Orlovich



Registration Period: March 4 – 31, 2019

We will be based at Stewart Island Community Centre, Ayr Street, Oban. There will be four days for foraying and specimen study, with the 19th Mycology Colloquium talking place on Wednesday April 29th. Please note, this year we are restricting numbers to around 45 participants, due to the logistical challenges presented by running the foray on Stewart Island. We will also initially accept registrations for the full foray only. Final details for the timing of daily activities will be provided on the first morning, but expect to be arranging your own breakfast, then meeting at the centre from 8:00am for the foray days. Dinners will be served at a variety of locations. This year, we will be setting up the hall from Monday morning so anticipate that excursions leaving that morning may start a little later than normal. However, lunches will be provided for us pre-bagged, and there are lots of spots to foray that are a close walk, so there will still be plenty of time for collecting.

Special Activities
This year, as part of the foray registration fee, two trips are included. We will all take these trips together. (You may choose not to participate on the day, but we cannot provide any refund on your registration fee, as we need to pre-book and pay for these trips to be executed.) The first trip will take place on Tuesday and be to Mamaku Point by bus, information is here: The second trip will take place on Thursday and be to Ulva Island, information is here: Each trip will run from approximately 8:30am – 1:30pm, leaving plenty of time to work on specimens or explore areas close to the community centre in the afternoon.

General foraying
There are a number of areas accessible from the community centre, with tracks starting from a 5 - 30 minute walk away. These areas include DoC land, council land and coastal areas. Stewart Island is heavily forested so there should be good terrain to investigate. However please note: there is no beech forest so we will only see ectomycorrhizal fungi where they are associating with mānuka and kānuka. More information about tracks will be provided to attendees prior to the foray, and will be available at the foray. Water taxi services are also available for people to access other locations, here is one company: This could be a good option for Friday.

Stewart Island can be accessed by ferry (approximately one hour) or small plane. Please note the ferry does not leave from Invercargill, it leaves from Bluff, however the ferry company can organise transport for you to the terminal from Invercargill airport. For more information, see here:

We ask foray participants to book their own accommodation. Air BnB has houses available, as does Holiday Houses. A good selection of accommodation options can be found here:

This year, attendees will need to organise their own breakfasts. If a catered option is preferred, we suggest you try the South Sea Hotel, where a continental breakfast is available to all from 7:00am for $13.00 (cooked breakfast available from 8:00am only.) For those who wish to purchase the meal plan – lunches will be provided pre-bagged, dinners will be provided by the Lions Club, the Fire Brigade, and a local caterer. The meal plan includes dinner for the Sunday night, which will be served at the Pavilion in Oban at approximately 7:00pm, to allow for people arriving on the island on the 5:00pm ferry. More information about the dinners will be provided to attendees closer to the time. Please note, this year we can offer vegetarian and omnivore options only. However, please do let us know of any allergies, we will enquire with the caterers to see what we can accommodate.

Mycology Colloquium Day Wednesday 29th April

All those interested in presenting papers please contact David

Participants may present talks on any aspect of mycology.  Length of presentations will generally be 15–20 minutes including questions.  This will be confirmed closer to the time when we know how many speakers there are.  Participants wishing to present are invited to submit a title with the registration form.  Email the title and abstract to David by 31st March 2019.

A group photo will be taken during the lunch break.  In the evening, following dinner we will hold FUNNZ, RBMMT AGM’s and The Auction.

Please advise items for The Auction on the Registration Form.

The Funnz website carries information about upcoming and previous mycological events.  We encourage anyone who has interesting comments, reports, and “fungal finds” to contribute to this website.  Send items to Petra.  Contributions are accepted throughout the year.


Please register by completing the form online; by 31 March 2019. We will confirm your participation by return email. Places will be available on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

Registration link:


Payment for the foray is due from 1 March 2019 (the beginning of the FUNNZ financial year), completed by 31 March 2019.  Payment by internet banking is strongly encouraged.  Cheques are no longer able to be accepted.  International participants may pay cash at the foray. Details on how to pay will be sent by email with registration confirmation.  If you need to cancel there is 100% refund of fees if notifying cancellation before 31 March and 90% if before April 26th. Penalties for late cancellation arise because of commitments for trips and food.  Receipts will be issued at the foray.

The typical cost for the full foray with all meals and FUNNZ membership is: $540. The foray fee with no meals is $240 (add on FUNNZ membership).

Student Subsidies

We are happy to subsidise up to two NZ students wishing to attend the Foray at $400 each.  Please apply early, using the standard registration form. More information is available from David



Thanks for the update. Assume the dates presented are on 2020, cause it is 2019 as written. Regards!