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2024 fungal foray preliminary notice

Submitted by Bevan Weir on Mon, 18/12/2023 - 10:12am

We intend to hold the 2024 foray at the Havelock Town Hall (Marlborough, South Island) during May 12 – 18. It is recommended that any travel booked is refundable until the DOC permit is confirmed and iwi engagement is successfully concluded. If all is on track with the permit, foray registration will open in March as per previous years.


Foray 2022 postponed til 2023

Submitted by Bevan Weir on Thu, 14/04/2022 - 10:05am

Dear FUNNZ members

I am writing to advise that the FUNNZ Committee decided last week to postpone the in-person Rotorua Fungal Foray until next year. This was a difficult decision but was arrived at because of the dual issues of managing the foray under the current covid restrictions, in particular the issue of running the foray effectively if people become symptomatic during the foray, as well as wanting to ensure that the institutions supporting the foray organisers are satisfied with the level of iwi and community engagement that has taken place.


34th Foray and 19th Colloquium, 2020

Submitted by Bevan Weir on Thu, 05/03/2020 - 10:18pm

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 the 2020 Foray is cancelled. More detail below.

We will be based at Stewart Island Community Centre, Ayr Street, Oban. There will be four days for foraying and specimen study, with the 19th Mycology Colloquium talking place on Wednesday April 29th. Please note, this year we are restricting numbers to around 45 participants, due to the logistical challenges presented by running the foray on Stewart Island. We will also initially accept registrations for the full foray only. Final details for the timing of daily activities will be provided on the first morning, but expect to be arranging your own breakfast, then meeting at the centre from 8:00am for the foray days. Dinners will be served at a variety of locations. This year, we will be setting up the hall from Monday morning so anticipate that excursions leaving that morning may start a little later than normal. However, lunches will be provided for us pre-bagged, and there are lots of spots to foray that are a close walk, so there will still be plenty of time for collecting.



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