28th New Zealand Fungal Foray & Colloquium: May 2014

Submitted by Bevan Weir on Thu, 23/01/2014 - 2:25pm

Fungal Network of New Zealand

28th New Zealand Fungal Foray & Colloquium


Pohara Beach, near Takaka, Golden Bay, South Island,

Sunday 11th – Saturday 17th May, 2014


Registration and payment due by: 31st March 2014. Download registration form at the end of this page. Before 31st March 2014,   Please:


23rd NZ Fungal Foray report

Submitted by petraw on Mon, 30/09/2013 - 4:27pm


Petra White



The 23rd New Zealand Fungal Foray was held conjointly with the Australasian Mycological Society Conference 10–16 May 2009 at Waikanae on the Kapiti Coast, Wellington. Accommodation was at El Rancho Christian Holiday Camp and 33 people attended the foray. Visitors came from USA, Australia, Tasmania, Japan, England and Sweden.

Preliminary notice: 2014 FUNNZ Fungal Foray

Submitted by Bevan Weir on Thu, 12/09/2013 - 11:42am

The 2014 28th NZ Fungal Foray will be held in Golden Bay, northwest South Island between 11-17 May 2014. Accommodation is at Pohara Beach Top 10 Holiday Park and microscopes, etc., will be set up in the nearby Pohara Hall.

We will need to have confirmed bookings by March.  After that they will release any unused bookings. More details will follow later. 

Report on the 22nd NZ Fungal Foray (Dunedin, 2008)

Submitted by petraw on Wed, 27/02/2013 - 8:15am


Petra White


Sunday 11 May 2008, Arrival

One of the great things about our fungal forays is that we get people from all over the world coming along to foray with us. The 22nd NZ Fungal Foray was no different, with 49 people attending from New Zealand, Great Britain, Tasmania, USA, Sweden and Japan.

27th New Zealand Fungal Foray & Colloquium: May 2013

Submitted by Bevan Weir on Wed, 30/01/2013 - 12:48pm

Registration and payment due by: 31st March 2013. Download registration form at the end of this page. The 2013 foray will be based at Matawai, midway between Opotiki and Gisborne, in the East Cape region, from Sunday 12th May to Saturday 18th May 2013. The area offers a wide variety of vegetation types, including Nothofagus, podocarp and broadleaf forests.

Fungal species included among IUCN's 100 global threatened species in new publication

Submitted by Peter Buchanan on Wed, 12/09/2012 - 11:28pm

A major new publication from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) and IUCN addresses the question "Priceless or Worthless?" concerning some of the globe's most endangered species. A list of 100 species is used as examples of likely extinctions unless humans intervene. And included among the 100 - as a world first - is a FUNGUS!  At last - recognition at global level that fungi can be threatened too!


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